Prathama Usaha Mandiri PerkasaIntroduction

PT. Prathama Usaha Mandiri Perkasa has experienced and qualified personnel in sales, support, and operation team that are equipped with knowledge, dedication, and passion to accomplish the jobs entrusted to our company. We provide you expert knowledge, information, and best quality products that can be adjust within affordable prices for cost reduction in order to fulfill our customer’s need. PT. Prathama Usaha Mandiri Perkasa is constantly improving internally in purpose to provide the best level of quality and service to You, as our valuable customers.

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    Main Office:

    Office : Jl. Gajah Mada, Ruko Graha Tirta Indah Blok C No. 1, Tiban, Patam Lestari, Sekupang, Batam, Kepulauan Riau, 29427, Indonesia

    Main Workshop Batam:

    Bintang Industri II, Blok H2 No.1-3, Tanjung Uncang, Batam, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia

    Alamat Cilegon:

    Kampung Tengkurak No. 04 RT.04/RW.02, Desa Warnakarta, Kecamatan Bojonegara, Kabupaten Serang, Provinsi Banten, Indonesia

    Alamat Bali:

    Jalan Pura Penataran Agung, Dusun Mimba, Kel. Padangbai, Kec. Manggis, Kab. Karangasem, 80871, Bali, Indonesia

    Alamat Surabaya:

    Jl. Gresik Gadukan 274, Dupak, Krembangan, Kota Surabaya, Jawa Timur

    Alamat Pekanbaru:

    Jl. Sederhana RT 002 / RW 002 KM.6, Desa / Kelurahan Perawang, Kec. Tualang, Kab. Siak, 28772, Pekanbaru, Riau, Indonesia

    Alamat Karimun:

    Jalan A. Yani RT 002 / RW 005, Kel. Meral, Kec. Meral, 29161, Tj. Balai Karimun, Kepulauan Riau, Indonesia


    +62 778 550 1012